Judging on the Photo from this BoingBoing Post
I would just like to say that this is, officially, the scariest room one could possibly be trapped in during an earthquake.

Also: Gee whiz it's been a while since my last update!
I would just like to say that this is, officially, the scariest room one could possibly be trapped in during an earthquake.
"There She Is!", A lovely new Flash music video that's been circling the net, and by "new" I mean "on the net for a good 8 months now, but I only just saw it". The song's in Korean, and so's the animator's homepage, so I can't say much more about it than: Yay.
![]() I have nothing more to say. |
The cutest video game in the world.
...part of me wants to hug it.
....most of me wants to destroy it.
What do you think?
This is a link to a Love and Sex Life Prediction Meme.
Don't click it.
Don't fill it out.
You have been warned.
If you haven't seen this yet, i concider you either a) light-years behind the rest of the internet or 2) a very blessed individual:
A little bit of research shows that this the actual music video for the autrailian band TISM, whose costumes explain the hooded fella with the keyboard. They held a "Short Film Competition" a while back looking for a good video for their next album, and this wonderful peice by Bernard Derriman of Longueville NSW was the winner.
Can't Find Jeans That Cover Your Stomach?Jen Magazine has released a list of Fashion Fixes for Modest Mormon Teens. My personal favorte? The ModesTee.
It's easier to find cute baggy overalls than it is to find jeans that aren't low. So think about looking for overalls or a jumpsuit of some type.
Imagine the joy that you can bring to your children's lives with a 5Ft Usb Cable. When they see their friends, they'll say with pride, "I have a 5Ft Usb Cable. Don't you wish you had a 5Ft Usb Cable?" A neighborhood craze for 5Ft Usb Cable would ensue, and you could relax knowing you started the 5Ft Usb Cable revolution.
peachlette (8:44:19 PM): the red sox just won the world series
bluejuh (8:44:28 PM): already?
peachlette (8:44:31 PM): yep
bluejuh (8:44:38 PM): that was quick.
peachlette (8:44:41 PM): what?
bluejuh (8:44:55 PM): it just started.
peachlette (8:45:00 PM):you are three hours behind me
peachlette (8:45:03 PM): motherfucker
peachlette (8:45:03 PM): :)
bluejuh (8:45:15 PM): i mean, isn't it only game 4?
peachlette (8:45:21 PM): yep
bluejuh (8:45:37 PM): so they swept the world series
peachlette (8:45:55 PM): yep
bluejuh (8:46:34 PM): the Red Sox, the BOSTON Red Sox just swept the World Series?
bluejuh (8:46:54 PM): ..of Baseball?
peachlette (8:46:59 PM): yep
peachlette (8:47:03 PM): of baseball
bluejuh (8:47:13 PM): okay that's it.
peachlette (8:47:30 PM): what?
bluejuh (8:47:43 PM): the rest of this stuff was just subtle hints.. war, disease, hurricanes....
bluejuh (8:47:49 PM): but this:
bluejuh (8:47:55 PM): it's the end of the world.
...Not to mention the lunar ecclipse tonight.